focus and emotional control in a fun, educational setting Does your 4- to 6-year old need to learn self-discipline and emotional control?
At times, it can be easy for teachers and parents to overestimate 4- to 6-year old kids. They’re better at following instructions and paying attention than toddlers, but these kids still may need some help in controlling themselves and focusing on tasks.
Secure your child’s spot today and get started with our Quick Start Program.
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I’m Michael Sentilles, Head Master Instructor (or, in Korean, Sa Bum Nim) at Yonsei Martial Arts Academy.
As a martial arts instructor with extensive experience training kids and a father of four, there is nothing better than watching our students grow firsthand. But more important than the martial arts skills they learn here at Yonsei are the personal skills they develop and carry for life.
Martial arts is so much more than just kicking and punching and getting the next colorful belt. It’s about developing confidence, discipline, character, focus and respect. With every class we teach, your kids are growing in mind, body and spirit.
That’s because martial arts provides instant positive feedback. Through learning to focus on the core moves, they develop discipline and respect. They can instantly see and feel a difference, making them destined to build confidence, self-awareness and self-respect.
And of course it’s a ton of fun!
That’s why I love teaching martial arts to kids in our community, and why I know your kids are going to love training with us!
Take a look below to find out exactly how your kids can benefit from our fun martial arts classes.
Thank you, or as we teach our students in Korean, gahm sa hab ni da!
They have trouble focusing and don’t look at you when you speak to them.
They get angry easily and small things may cause them to lose control.
They lack the discipline to follow through on tasks without being reminded.
Kids that are four- to six-years old have slightly more control than younger kids, but they still have a lot to learn when it comes to controlling themselves, their bodies, and their emotions. They’re intellectually curious, but they need to learn in a disciplined setting.
Our Little Eagles program gives our students the tools they need to succeed later in life. They learn the importance of self-discipline and control while building on the basic martial arts skills. With our exclusive SKILLZ® Worldwide membership, we help younger students focus on eight key skills: focus, teamwork, control, memory, balance, discipline, fitness, and coordination.
Our Little Eagles program with exclusive, age-appropriate SKILLZ® Worldwide curriculum teaches kids to control their bodies and behavior in a fun, social environment that encourages cooperation and respect. Our students learn about teamwork, discipline, memory, and balance while practicing coordination and learning key martial arts moves.
When they are young, kids may struggle to control their bodies when they’re in motion.
The basic martial arts skills taught in our Little Eagles program help them build muscle and improve their coordination, a key Basic SKILLZ® skill.
At this age, children easily forget strings of more than three commands. They may also be unable to tell their left from their right.
Our Little Eagles program teaches them to focus on complex instructions and to know how to follow left and right commands without hesitation. The Basic SKILLZ® curriculum incorporated within our Little Eagles program targets focus and memory in kids between the ages of four and six through fun games and physical acitvity.
Four- to six-year old kids tend to lose focus when they’re excited – and to shut down when they’re sad or scared.
In our Little Eagles program, our students are taught to maintain control even when they are excited – and to stay focused even when it is difficult to do so. We teach discipline and control in our Basic SKILLZ® curriculum by engaging our students in drills that challenge their mind.
Young kids tend to be competitive – and they don’t handle losing very well.
The Basic SKILLZ® curriculum counteracts this negative group cooperation by highlighting teamwork in our classes. In our program, students learn how to be good competitors, and that includes learning how to accept defeat gracefully and be supportive of their peers.
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one free uniform when you enroll your child in our Quick Start Program!
Yes. Our classes teach our students to focus on teachers and to respect their commands – and those lessons take root at home, too.
Yes. We teach our students the importance of paying attention and heeding instructions – and by building memory (a key part of Basic SKILLZ®), we help kids do a better job of retaining information.
Yes. The ups and downs of learning help our students learn how to navigate emotional highs and lows in a healthy and respectful way.
Yes. We focus on core social skills like mutual respect and understanding, both of which are essential in any social setting.
Our Little Eagles class teaches students to support one another and to accept mistakes and failures gracefully.
Yes. Our classes teach the value of persistence and show our students that shutting down when they are frustrated won’t help them achieve their goals.
Yes. The fundamental martial arts skills taught in this class help build muscle mass and improve balance and coordination. Since we are a SKILLZ® Worldwide school, we focus on fitness with our Little Eagles.
Yes. In our classes, kids learn to recognize the affect their movements and actions have on other people, and to control their movements when they are excited or upset.
Kids learn the benefits of humility and grace when they succeed in life.
Kids build core strength and balance while improving their overall physical fitness.
Martial arts classes teach kids to coordinate their body movements and to control themselves physically.
Our classes help kids learn to concentrate on instructions and follow them appropriately.
Kids in our classes learn how to play with other kids in a respectful way.
Martial arts classes help kids improve their memory as they work toward their goals.
Kids learn self-discipline physically, emotionally, and socially.
Teaches kids the value of teamwork and cooperation.